1. Dragon Land is a horrible place. In one episode, Max and Emmy are stuck in a castle with their dragon friends. They are not allowed to leave for reasons never made clear. In another episode, they had to run to a treehouse before the purple sticky goo started coming down from a cloud. There are furies in flowers and scary sleeping giants who can be woken up with just a short argument. Dragon Land is a hair-raising and unsafe place for little children to be.
2. The dragons aren't even likable! On the surface, they're just dragons who little kids love. But when you actually look at their characters, they all have flaws.
- Cassie: small, reserved, anxious, insecure, wimpy.
- Ord: overweight and greedy lunkhead who is only concerned with the growling of his stomach.
- Zak and Weezie: two-headed dragon, one of which is pitiful and the other of which is a troublemaker.
- Quetzal: the elderly father figure who is magical, but if you look at him more closely, he's actually a complete piece of crap, leading me to my third and final point.
3. The magic in Dragon Land is hoarded by Quetzal! Zak and Weezy constantly irritate each other because they literally share a body, and in one episode, Quetzal pulls out two magical stones and tells them to recite a simple poem while holding them. After a flash of light, they are magically separated. THOSE TWO DRAGONS WERE CONJOINED FROM BIRTH AND YOU'RE JUST SEPARATING THEM NOW?!?! Quetzal could've given them two separate bodies from the start with no pain or danger involved. What kind of misanthrope keeps this miracle to himself???
I guess when we were kids, we enjoyed the pleasant mythical creatures and watching them go on adventures. We never saw the true horror lying beneath the surface of Dragon Tales.