Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Breaking Point Doesn't Define Me

We're human; we all have breaking points.

"Even the best fall down sometimes;
Even the stars refuse to shine."
- Collide, Howie Day

"But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down.
I'm only human, and I crash and I break down."
- Human, Christina Perri

"You're aching; you're breaking,
And I can see the pain in your eyes."
- Everybody's Changing, Keane

I am an incredibly patient person. I give plenty of second chances, and third chances, and fourth chances. I put effort into one-sided relationships with the hope that I will receive effort in return someday. I give of myself endlessly, and I do not expect much in return, but this usually results in people walking all over me. Even when I know I'm being used, I let it happen, because I think I can help these people. However, I am not a saint. I have my limits; I have reached my breaking point.

Breaking Point: the moment of greatest strain at which someone or something gives way; a moment of stress in which a person breaks down or a situation becomes critical; the point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress.

this is mine. 

Between the pressures of school, being away from home, extracurricular activities, job applications, scholarship applications, finals that are approaching, working to maintain friendships, and building new relationships, I have collapsed. It is simply too much pressure for a single person to handle without the support of good friends. Stress was coming at me from all aspects of my life, and I could no longer deal with everything. 

So I broke. I cried. I ate too much. I slept too much. I watched too much Netflix. I avoided going out in public as much as I could because I dreaded social situations. I malfunctioned and crashed. I shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't find any tape for awhile, but recently I came across some glue. I am in the process of putting myself back together and turning my breaking point into a learning experience. 

Just underneath your breaking point lies your true strength. Your breaking point is really your making point. I was able to pull myself up after knocking myself down, and you can pull yourself up, too. Remember that you and I are human. We make mistakes. We fall down. Sometimes we do not want to get up. But we are human. We thrive knowing we are strong. We fall down seven times, but we stand up eight times. 

Our breaking points do not define us. 

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